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Impact test instrument


Impact test instrumentDescription:

The machines meet GB/T3810.5-2006, ceramic tiles on the equipment used in testing resumed factor determining the resistance of the brick measured.
the main technical parameters
1, Gangqiu diameter 19mm
2, Gangqiu whereabouts high 1000mm
3, laser precision measuring, precision 1us

The machines meet GB/T3810.5-2006, ceramic tiles on the equipment used in testing resumed factor determining the resistance of the brick measured.
the main technical parameters
1, Gangqiu diameter 19mm
2, Gangqiu whereabouts high 1000mm
3, laser precision measuring, precision 1us
Impact test instrumentDescription:

The machines meet GB/T3810.5-2006, ceramic tiles on the equipment used in testing resumed factor determining the resistance of the brick measured.
the main technical parameters
1, Gangqiu diameter 19mm
2, Gangqiu whereabouts high 1000mm
3, laser precision measuring, precision 1us

Impact test instrumentDescription:

The machines meet GB/T3810.5-2006, ceramic tiles on the equipment used in testing resumed factor determining the resistance of the brick measured.
the main technical parameters
1, Gangqiu diameter 19mm
2, Gangqiu whereabouts high 1000mm
3, laser precision measuring, precision 1us

  • 较高温度离心式彭胀仪(热彭胀弹性系数检验仪)---PCY款型


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